Here Goes Nothing

I finally did it. I have been meaning to start a blog for years and here it is. This seemed like a fun way to document my crazy life. So lets see if I can keep it up.

Where to begin?

My name is Mary, I'm 20 and am a junior at Brigham Young University Idaho. I am majoring in History Education and minoring in English Education. As I'm sure many college students can relate, sometimes I absolutely love my major and other times I hate it. It really depends on the day. Usually I love it more than I hate it though.

I feel the need to introduce myself. I have to introduce myself before I start anything new, and this includes my personal Journals. I don't fully understand the need but it persists. So hello world! This is me!

Ten Interesting Facts About Me!

1. I do in fact have red hair and its natural, be jealous.
2. I may or may not be addicted to the Bath and Body Works scent Sparkling Icicles and it is no longer sold in stores and that upsets me greatly.
3. Some how I manage to live off of Pasta with butter and cheese and I have not gotten fat, a great feat I tell you.
4. My greatest possessions in college are my pillows which happen to be from France, at least that's what I tell everyone.
5. Four months until I turn 21 and I have yet to kiss anyone
6. I do not nor have I ever had a drivers license
7.My name is a Hand-me-down
8. I got carpal tunnel at age 17, that is not supposed to happen. Ever.
9. In an ideal world I would be a resident of the lovely country England, and I would have a British Accent.
10. I am not allergic to anything that I know of, but all throughout elementary school I claimed that I was allergic to chalk to avoid every having to write on the chalk board. I was successful.


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